Session 8
The Original Dragon Slayer
Because of the water problems I have been carrying water to Mrs. Tumblefoot so she can continue to make her meals and bake goods. We, Rumer, Karth, Bellweather, and I went to look in on the poisoned water. We meet Fingers the Zook Ambassador to Stanousburg, at the start of the swamp. He employs us to remove a threat. We were able to dispatch a few “Kobalts” little dragon goblins. We were able to remove some of their traps and a couple of the “Kobalts”. We were able to pick up 4 live giant centipedes, and a dead Centipede. We found a black wyrmling was set up in an old structure in the swamp. We dispatched the wyrm and returned to town. Right before town we ran into Fingers again and he asked if we got all of them. So, thanks Fingers. Of course, the people of town saw me and my group enter town carrying a dragon, I tried to deflect the fame to the group, and I think it is sticking.